KreyonCity is an immersive experience that allows users to play with urban scenarios, exploring the space of possible solutions to issues like employment, education and quality of life in the more general sense. The backbone of KreyonCity is a data-driven mathematical model of urban indicators tuned with heterogeneous data sources coming from different nations and different time frames.
In KreyonCity, participants will interact with a physical city made of lego bricks where different colours represent different functional blocks (housing, jobs, services etc.). Sensors are placed on top of the city, monitoring the user’s decisions to provide feedback using the underlying model. In this way, they will be able to understand the city’s functioning, looking for what is the best configuration in terms of socio-economic indicators.

KreyonCity is also a social experiment: while participants learn about the functioning of the model, we collect data about their decision-making process and their strategies!